donderdag 16 april 2009
woensdag 15 april 2009
Postcrossing random card
Today I am sending card to Nummi from Finland. She likes to read about foreign cultures and prefers to receive the cards written in native language with translation. Well, there is not so much space for text on both language, so I decided to write her a card in Dutch and give a translation here.
So, the original text:
"Hoi Nummi,
Hierbij een kaart uit Amsterdam. De stad met vele grachten en bruggetjes. Ze zijn zo mooi 's nachts als ze verlicht zijn. Jammer, dat het water in de grachten niet meer bevriest in de winter en je niet meer kan schatsen op de grachten. Max"
And here is the translation for Nummi:
"Hi Nummi,
Here a card from Amsterdam. The city with many canals and small bridges. They are so beautiful at night when illuminated. Pity that water in canals doesn't freeze up anymore in winter and you can't skate on canals anymore. Max"
Well, I can also try to do it in Finnish (well, google translated):
"Hi Nummi,
Tässä on kartta, Amsterdam. Kaupungissa on monia kanavia ja siltoja. He ovat niin kauniita yöllä, kun valaistus. Harmi, että vesi kanavat enää jäätyy että talvella ja et voi schatsen annetun kanavat. Max" Hmmm - I don't understand a word, but looks amazing!
So, the original text:
"Hoi Nummi,
Hierbij een kaart uit Amsterdam. De stad met vele grachten en bruggetjes. Ze zijn zo mooi 's nachts als ze verlicht zijn. Jammer, dat het water in de grachten niet meer bevriest in de winter en je niet meer kan schatsen op de grachten. Max"
And here is the translation for Nummi:
"Hi Nummi,
Here a card from Amsterdam. The city with many canals and small bridges. They are so beautiful at night when illuminated. Pity that water in canals doesn't freeze up anymore in winter and you can't skate on canals anymore. Max"
Well, I can also try to do it in Finnish (well, google translated):
"Hi Nummi,
Tässä on kartta, Amsterdam. Kaupungissa on monia kanavia ja siltoja. He ovat niin kauniita yöllä, kun valaistus. Harmi, että vesi kanavat enää jäätyy että talvella ja et voi schatsen annetun kanavat. Max" Hmmm - I don't understand a word, but looks amazing!
A little bit about our dreams...
Our dreams are interesting creatures. When we follow some of them we can come into the woods of illusions and roam there thinking we are someone else. Sometimes they bring us into the morass of despair. But when we understand what our real dream is and dare to follow it, than we finally come to a forgotten, but very familiar place that fills our eyes with tears and pinches our hearts. It doesn’t matter how long does it take to get there – the final destination is the only thing that matters.
It’s difficult to describe, but easy to experience and feel… like in the video below.
A simple woman from an English province came to “Britains got talent”… she is 47 now and she has a dream that she had no chance to realize before… And everyone is laughing and doesn’t have any expectation.
Well, I wish you all to find your dreams and follow them. And let them come true…
It’s difficult to describe, but easy to experience and feel… like in the video below.
A simple woman from an English province came to “Britains got talent”… she is 47 now and she has a dream that she had no chance to realize before… And everyone is laughing and doesn’t have any expectation.
Well, I wish you all to find your dreams and follow them. And let them come true…
vrijdag 10 april 2009
Browsing the virtual diaries of other people you can find many interesting and funny things. Like for example a Postcrossing thing. What is Postcrossing? You register and enter your address. And someone will send you a postcard. A total stranger from far far away (or it might be your neighbor if he is also registered). But you can also ask for a randomly picked up address to send your own postcard to a total stranger. So just today I sent a postcard with a lighthouse on it to Cathy from South Carolina...
The sent and received postcard should be registered on the website and can also be shown on the map. It feels a bit odd to send or to receive the card to or from a total stranger. But also exciting. Random connections without any obligations. Some you forget soon and some will interest you for a longer time. I don't like to write obligatory postcards for special occasions like holidays or birthdays. But an idea of sending a postcard to a random stranger at the moment I choose really attracts me. So, let's see what it becomes...
The sent and received postcard should be registered on the website and can also be shown on the map. It feels a bit odd to send or to receive the card to or from a total stranger. But also exciting. Random connections without any obligations. Some you forget soon and some will interest you for a longer time. I don't like to write obligatory postcards for special occasions like holidays or birthdays. But an idea of sending a postcard to a random stranger at the moment I choose really attracts me. So, let's see what it becomes...
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